1. Is a student visa required?
Yes, if the student is studying in the UK for more than 6 months or plans to undertake part-time employment (including internships). This is referred to as a “Tier 4 Student Visa”.
2. What is the process for applying for a student visa?
To apply for a Tier 4 visa, a student must: be sponsored by a Licensed Tier 4 Sponsor; complete an online application; be fingerprinted at a USCIS facility; and mail in a printed copy of the online application along with supporting documentation.
Students should apply for a Tier 4 visa at least 6 weeks prior to the course start date. However, a student may not apply for a visa more than 90 days prior to the course start date
3. Is batch processing (a single institution submits visa applications on behalf of its students) possible?
The UK Consulate in New York has confirmed that batch processing is possible. However the institution must check with the British Consulate first.
4. Does a student have to appear in person at the consulate to obtain a student visa?
No, the Tier 4 application is submitted online and via mail to the British Consulate. However, student must be fingerprinted (thus appear in person) by a USCIS centre.
5. Does the student have to complete any additional procedures once overseas?